Name: Sami Çapulcu

Pronouns: She/Her

Sami Çapulcu pic

What kinds of workshops do you do?

Direct action, strategy, facilitation, moving through conflict, community accountability / transformative justice, effective anti-hierarchical organising (and facilitating meetings)

What brought you to facilitation?

Noticing how regularly other people switch off in “meeting” or “workshop” spaces, and thinking that we can do better! And going to a great facilitation training once.

What groups have you worked with?

Palestine solidarity groups, feminist organisations, disability justice conversations, climate justice groups, anti-racist action crews, anarchist collectives, anti-militarist camps, community centres

What is your fave workshop to facilitate?

Can’t beat a direct action workshop, in my opinion! Get the goods

What is your fave workshop tool?

Always got time for a spectrum line

A lil' something extra you wanna share?

queer nonbinababe (she/her) // lover of speculative fiction // amateur community accountability organiser // punk // mathematician // lover of 90s teen coming of age films // have read every X-Men issue from Giant Size #1 up to the mid 90s

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